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    Well and Will

    Bertsolari Xalbador 18 Bajo,
    20018 San Sebastán

    943 317 999

    London School

    Zelai Alde 8 Bajo,
    20130 Urnieta

    943 009 291

    AIN Ingles

    Labeaga 40 A Bajo
    20700 Urretxu

    943 725 298

    Academia Collin´s

    Academia Collin’s- Alameda Juan de Gamon 7 2D
    20100 Errenteria

    943 527 681

    IN SAN

    The elt conference will be held at the palacio miramar. The miramar palace is a late 19th-century palace located on the la concha bay of the city of san sebastián, basque country, spain. It was built in 1893 commissioned by the spanish royal family, based on an 1889 project by english architect selden wornum. You can take an online tour of the miramar palace at this link.

    We are working with hotels and restaurants to obtain special discounts for those attending the elt conference.
